Monday, March 24, 2025

sexta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2010

Hi Luciano - Merry Christmas From Dr. Myatt

Dear Luciano;

Seasons greetings to You and Yours! I hope 2010 was a good year for you and may 2011 be even better. Here is my Christmas wish for you.

Since we can choose how we live each day, I wish you healthy, happy choices for the coming year.

Live life with gusto, as if it could be taken away at any moment (it can).

Treat yourself and your life with all due respect, as if it were a fragile and precious treasure (it is).

Make the most of every circumstance life deals you, as if you have emotional choices (you do).

No one can stop you from making 2011 the best year of your life. I hope you decide to "go for it!"

And for the World, I wish Peace and Joy. Let us believe together that hatred and misunderstanding in the world will lessen in the coming year. After all, we are all in the same race: The Human Race.

May peace, prosperity, comfort and joy be among the blessings life bestows upon you, your family, and our mutual family --- The World --- in 2011.

Warmest wishes and a Great Big Hug from Nurse Mark and Me. We look forward to serving you and continuing to be a part of your life in 2011.

In Health and Happy Holidays,

Dr. Myatt, Nurse Mark

and all of us at The Wellness Club

761 S 1st St W, Box 900, Snowflake, AZ 85937, USA

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