Saturday, March 22, 2025

quarta-feira, 28 de março de 2012

Crie sua própria Rede de TV e fature alto através de anúncios

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  In9 Mídia
Invista em um negócio lucrativo  
Crie sua própria Rede de TV e fature alto através de anúncios publicitários  
Anúncios em TVs de LCDs (Digital Signage) redem cerca de R$ 400,00 por mês por TV para cada anunciante. Uma grade com 12 anunciantes pode gerar R$ 4800,00 por mês de faturamento por TV. Com esses valores, o investimento é rapidamente retornado (6 meses para o médio caso). Conheça a solução da In9 Mídia para Digital Signage.  
Por que criar uma rede de TV?
A In9 Mídia fornece uma solução em software que é um canal interno de TV controlado inteiramente pela sua empresa. Mídias diversas podem ver veiculadas em monitores de LCD de diversos tamanhos e formatos espalhados por toda a cidade, dando a impressão ao expectador de um canal comum de TV, porém com conteúdo gerenciado por você somados a anúncios publicitários muito lucrativos. Veja por que criar sua rede de TV:
Uma grade com 12 anunciantes pode gerar R$ 4800,00 por mês de faturamento por TV. Com esses valores, o investimento é rapidamente retornado (6 meses para o médio caso).
O Digital Sinage possui o melhor custo-benefício (CPM) em relação a jornais e revistas, porque tem habilidade de maior segmentação e impacto.
Diferenciado do Jornal, Rádio e TV, pouquíssimos anunciantes dividem o mesmo espaço, e nenhum deles jamais será seu concorrente.
A localização dos anúncios estão nos melhores e mais bem frequentados locais da cidade o qual valoriza a marca das empresa.
Pesquisas já apontaram que muitos telespectadores e ouvintes encaram os anúncios de TV e rádio como interrupções irritantes.
Em horários de lazer as pessoas estão mais sensíveis às informações que recebem e o nível de ruído e dispersão é praticamente zero.
Veja um vídeo demonstrativo da solução em ação
O vídeo apresenta algumas das funcionalidades do Sistema sendo aplicados de diferentes formas.
    In9 Mídia Soluções Digitais
Av. Prof. Magalhães Neto, 1856, Tk Tower, 14º Andar Sala 1408, Pituba, Salvador - Bahia Tel.: (71) 3341-7009 Fax: (71) 3341-7009
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28/03/2012 06:36:43 - 6896459d-27a2-4491-9c21-10eff8efc90f - 7305708a-c1aa-4da9-b5ce-bcc2a017f654 - eab1e148-ae94-4050-8268-334f2bd33e5b - dbba7051-612d-4d49-9cbe-607ef69ac5dd - be5469bb-428c-4322-a0ed-44aef0a79391 - e1b61a33-1e3f-4351-850a-fe881749dd4c - 3e261f28-2b83-42ed-a970-19078f361aac - 5d354587-0547-4cf0-8903-9504619c0d18 - 28/03/2012 06:36:43

quinta-feira, 22 de março de 2012

[Sebar Backlink 1] Why Kopi Luwak is so expensive?

The mouth-watering aroma and the uniquely rich, smooth, chocolaty flavour of Kopi Luwak have spread its fame all over the world in recent years and demand has increased tremendously.

However, there are relatively few farmers involved in the production of cat poop coffee. Recent estimates suggest that the annual production of kopi luwak is only about 1,400 lbs (700 kilos) and demand is greatly exceeding supply.

Posting oleh Blogger SosMed ke Sebar Backlink 1 pada 3/22/2012 04:25:00 PM

Boletim Informativo de Boa Saúde - Publicação 511

Publicação 511 :: 22 de março de 2012

Câncer Colorretal
Alguns pacientes com suspeita de Doença de Crohn podem, na verdade, estar sofrendo de Câncer Colorretal. Por isso, ter pleno domínio sobre o que é, quais a manifestações e o que fazer na eventualidade de uma virada no diagnóstico é fundamental.

:: Leia mais ::

Notícias de Boa Saúde:  

- Doença crônica tratada de forma errada pode elevar o gasto com medicamentos em até 481%

- Idosos podem se beneficiar com jogos de RPG na internet

- Densidade de ruas pode se relacionar a doenças circulatórias

- Efeitos da maconha sintética são imprevisíveis

Leia e comente no Blog de Boa Saúde

- Mas que música chata que não sai da minha cabeça!

- Comidas com cheiro forte nos fazem comer menos

- Exercícos físicos beneficiam portadores de Síndrome de Down

- Arte pode ajudar na recuperação de AVC

Fale Conosco | Quem Somos | Anuncie aqui

Copyright © 1999-2012 Bibliomed, Inc.

quarta-feira, 21 de março de 2012

[Sebar Backlink 1] Buying Clothing When Christmas Shopping

Christmas shopping can be a lot of fun. Spending some time searching for the perfect gift for everyone on your gift list can be a great deal of fun. It is also rewarding when you find and purchase a gift you just know your loved one will treasure. MPASI However, there is one aspect of Christmas shopping which seems to be difficult for everyone. Penyakit Lupus It seems when it comes to buying clothing while Christmas shopping, everyone seems to have at least a slight hesitation. Adult Tricycle There are just so many variables when it comes to clothes shopping that it can be difficult to shop for clothing for those on your gift list. Some of the variables which make Christmas shopping for clothing so difficult include size, color, style and material. This article will take a look at why Christmas shopping for clothing is so difficult and will attempt to offer some insight into how to purchase clothing for others. Niacin for Depression

The matter of size is one thing that makes Christmas shopping for clothing so difficult. You may have a good idea about what size your friend or family members is but it can be difficult to select the correct size particularly for items such as pants, skirts, dresses or blazers. Canon Powershoot SD1400is Camera Items such as sweatshirts in which the fit does not have to be perfectly tailored are  Resep Nugget easier to shop for but even with these items you still run the risk of selecting a shirt which is too small. Babymarkt A sweatshirt which is too big is considered acceptable as many people where these shirts large as a style but shirts which are too small can be rather uncomfortable and will not likely be worn by the recipient. When Christmas shopping for clothing it is wise to either select casual items or ask the recipient to try on the clothing. Portable Air Conditioning Units This ruins the element of surprise but will help you to select the correct size. You may wish to discuss your intentions to purchase clothing for your friend or family member and ask them if they would prefer to receive a surprise or to participate in the selection process by trying on items before they are purchased.

Selecting colors is another difficult aspect of Christmas shopping for clothing. In general if you know your friend or family members wears a particular color often, it is safe to assume they like this color and enjoy wearing this color. Jewelery and Watch However, even this safe strategy can backfire on you at times. You may decide to purchase an article of clothing in this particular color because you see your friend or family members wearing the color often but you may soon find out they are tired of wearing that particular color and were hoping to receive clothing in other colors to expand their wardrobe. Canon Powershoot a4953 Again you can alleviate this problem by talking to your friend or relative and asking them what colors they would like to wear. Baby Car Seat Covers This lets them know you are planning to purchase clothing for them for Christmas but does not give away the type of clothing or the style of the clothing. 

Perhaps one of the most difficult dilemmas associated with Christmas shopping for clothing is selecting a style which will be appealing to the recipient of the Christmas gift and will look good on the recipient as well. MTX Jackhammer Subwoofer If you are purchasing a gift of clothing for a really close friend or family member you may have a good idea about the style of clothing she likes because you see the clothing she wears on a regular basis but it still can be difficult to pick out items which you know she will like and will be flattering on her in terms of style. Job Seeking Guides Again one of the best ways to deal with this situation is to ask the friend or relative to come shopping with you.  Currency Trading for Dummies

Posting oleh Blogger SosMed ke Sebar Backlink 1 pada 3/21/2012 04:00:00 PM

segunda-feira, 19 de março de 2012

:: Softwell Maker Trial - Inovadora Plataforma de Desenvolvimento de Aplicações ::

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Softwell Maker Trial
Crie seu sistema no Maker agora mesmo!
Baixe a versão de testes do Maker e veja como é fácil desenvolver sistemas de forma totalmente visual. Juntamente com o Maker Trial você receberá os primeiros capítulos do livro Maker e alguns vídeos tutoriais para um melhor aproveitamento do seu período de avaliação.

Bem vindo ao mundo MAKER!

  Você entra com a ideia
e o Softwell Maker com a agilidade
Softwell Maker é a primeira ferramenta para desenvolvimento de aplicações corporativas 100% visual e integrada, pronta para sua equipe trabalhar com muito mais velocidade e sem abrir mão da qualidade.
  Produza pAra web E MOBILE   Colaborativo  
Você cria, publica e atualiza
seus sistemas em tempo real organizadamente.
Maior integração entre os profissionais durante todas as
etapas do desenvolvimento.
  Mais produtividade   Processos mais simples  
Com o Softwell Maker, a programação é ágil e sua equipe
vai produzir muito mais.
Do início ao fim, o processo de desenvolvimento é mais rápido e
sem complicações.
  Softwell Maker All  
  Desenvolva aplicações web até 60 vezes mais rápido  
  O Maker é a única ferramenta que possui uma linguagem de progamação totalmente visual, possibilitando a rápida construção de sistemas corporativos de pequena, média e alta complexidade, com uma produtividade até 60 vezes mais rápido que as tecnologias tradicionais.  
  Av, Profº Magalhães Neto, 1856 Edf. TK Tower, 14º Andar – Pituba
Salvador – BA – CEP 41.810-012 - Telefone: (71) 2108-3800
Rua Helena, 260 Ed. Atrium IV Conjuntos 32 e 34 – Vila Olímpia
São Paulo – SP – CEP 04.552-050 - Telefone: (11) 5093-7843
  Edifício Mar Vermelho – Av. D. João II
Lote – 4º Piso, 1998-028 / Lisboa, Portugal
Phone: 351 211 212 145 / Fax: 351 211 212 100
Calle Orence, 85, Edificio Lexington
Zip Code 28020 / Madrid, Espanha
Phone: 34 915 678 494 / Fax: 34 915 714 244

domingo, 18 de março de 2012

[Sebar Backlink 1] Some Interesting Pages

Canon PowerShot SD1400IS
Canon PowerShot SD1400IS is a fantastic pocket camera capable of decent images with HD video recording as a bonus. It is small enough that it will get taken everywhere enabling capturing of all those special moments. I would highly recommend it to anyone, so long as they realize the limitations inherent to ultra compact cameras.

MTX Jackhammer Subwoofer
Incorporating numerous technologies that MTX has honed over 30 years in making the best subwoofers in car audio, the JackHammer is the culmination of all that is good in the subwoofer world. A huge 6.5" voice coil, 56 lb magnet and sand cast aluminum basket are essential components in the engineering of this massive subwoofer.

Adult Tricycle
Cycling is one of a popular outdoor exercise of all time, but not everyone knows how to ride a bicycle. There are also people who cope with disability or lack of stamina to sit upright on the two-wheel machine for a long period of time. Due to these reasons, adult tricycles are one great alternative as a mode of transport for recreational, competitive and industrial purpose.

Posting oleh Blogger SosMed ke Sebar Backlink 1 pada 3/18/2012 02:46:00 PM

[Sebar Backlink 1] Canon Powershot A495 Reviews

I got Canon Powershot A495 as a secondary digital camera meant for more portability. It is very light and efficient and easy to carry around. It's got a nice look and can take photos up to 10Mpxl, as well as video. What I don't like about Powershot A495 is that it takes 2 AA batteries and sucks the life out of them really fast. Of course, you don't need to have the camera on all the time, and even if the battery is a little sapped you can still turn it off and on just to take your pictures.

But just be sure to always have some AA batteries around. The package does not come with a USB connector cable, which means that you will need to get one or get an SD card reader to transfer images to your computer. Not a big deal, but would have been nice. Also, the package does not include a case. Overall, it is a very good value, especially since I got it on an Amazon-sale for $49.

Posting oleh Blogger SosMed ke Sebar Backlink 1 pada 3/18/2012 10:10:00 AM

sábado, 17 de março de 2012

[Sebar Backlink 1] Online Shops

Pilgrim Schmuck Online
Finden Sie eine große Auswahl an Pilgrim Schmuck. Jetzt Preise vergleichen und sparen!

HP Products - United States
HP Computers, HP Laptops, HP Printers

High Quality Jewelry & Watch by Designer
Online shopping for the best fine jewelry & watch selection at everyday discounted prices

Posting oleh Blogger SosMed ke Sebar Backlink 1 pada 3/17/2012 04:29:00 PM

terça-feira, 13 de março de 2012

[Sebar Backlink 1] Online shopping is a multi billion business and is constantly growing

Online shopping is a multi billion business and is constantly growing. Many individuals favour this kind of shopping because of ease. For shoppers who work for lengthy hours, it would be hard to visit a store during standard trade hours. Online retailers allow orders twenty four hours a day and shoppers can easily shop from their place of convenience and whenever they have free moment available. As well, online shopping gives the shopper the facility to compare the products with easiness. This prevents the bother of visiting different conventional stores and finding difficult to remember details like cost and features. Online shopping is predominantly useful for those with limited mobility as they can shop with out any difficulty.

Posting oleh Henik Widayati ke Sebar Backlink 1 pada 3/13/2012 01:14:00 PM

domingo, 11 de março de 2012

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sábado, 10 de março de 2012

Baby Markt

Kinderwagen Shop
Die Nummer eins für günstige und hochwertige Kinderwagen.

Kinderautositz Shop
Die Nummer eins für günstige und hochwertige Kinderautositz.

Kinderbetten Shop
Die Nummer eins für günstige und hochwertige Kinderbetten, Hochbetten, Etagenbetten und Spielbetten.

Kinderwagen Shop
Die Nummer eins für günstige und hochwertige Kinderwagen.

segunda-feira, 5 de março de 2012

Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda

Slogan Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda didengungkan oleh Honda yang baru-baru ini memperkenalkan teknologi terbarunya yaitu teknologi PGM-FI atau Programmed Fuel Injection.

Dengan kemampuan memadukan distribusi bahan bakar dan oksigen secara efisien, PGM-FI merupakan teknologi fuel injection yang menghasilkan tenaga optimal namun tetap irit bahan bakar dan ramah lingkungan.


Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia merupakan salah satu inovasi yang dilakukan oleh Alfamart untuk memberikan penghargaan kepada pelanggannya. Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia diberikan kepada para pelanggan yang tergabung sebagai Member Alfamart, yaitu pelanggan yang memiliki kartu A Card Flazz, Kartu AKU, atau Kartu AKU BNI.

sábado, 3 de março de 2012

Softwell Maker Trial

Se você não está visualizando este email, clique aqui.
Softwell Maker Trial
Crie seu sistema no Maker agora mesmo!
Baixe a versão de testes do Maker e veja como é fácil desenvolver sistemas de forma totalmente visual. Juntamente com o Maker Trial você receberá os primeiros capítulos do livro Maker e alguns vídeos tutoriais para um melhor aproveitamento do seu período de avaliação.

Bem vindo ao mundo MAKER!

  Você entra com a ideia
e o Softwell Maker com a agilidade
Softwell Maker é a primeira ferramenta para desenvolvimento de aplicações corporativas 100% visual e integrada, pronta para sua equipe trabalhar com muito mais velocidade e sem abrir mão da qualidade.
  Produza pAra web E MOBILE   Colaborativo  
Você cria, publica e atualiza
seus sistemas em tempo real organizadamente.
Maior integração entre os profissionais durante todas as
etapas do desenvolvimento.
  Mais produtividade   Processos mais simples  
Com o Softwell Maker, a programação é ágil e sua equipe
vai produzir muito mais.
Do início ao fim, o processo de desenvolvimento é mais rápido e
sem complicações.
  Softwell Maker All  
  Desenvolva aplicações web até 60 vezes mais rápido  
  O Maker é a única ferramenta que possui uma linguagem de progamação totalmente visual, possibilitando a rápida construção de sistemas corporativos de pequena, média e alta complexidade, com uma produtividade até 60 vezes mais rápido que as tecnologias tradicionais.  
  Av, Profº Magalhães Neto, 1856 Edf. TK Tower, 14º Andar – Pituba
Salvador – BA – CEP 41.810-012 - Telefone: (71) 2108-3800
Rua Helena, 260 Ed. Atrium IV Conjuntos 32 e 34 – Vila Olímpia
São Paulo – SP – CEP 04.552-050 - Telefone: (11) 5093-7843
  Edifício Mar Vermelho – Av. D. João II
Lote – 4º Piso, 1998-028 / Lisboa, Portugal
Phone: 351 211 212 145 / Fax: 351 211 212 100
Calle Orence, 85, Edificio Lexington
Zip Code 28020 / Madrid, Espanha
Phone: 34 915 678 494 / Fax: 34 915 714 244

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sexta-feira, 2 de março de 2012

This Heart Disease Checklist Could Save Your Life


You are receiving this because you or someone at your email address subscribed to HealthBeat News. If you are receiving this in error, or wish to no longer receive this newsletter, please click here to unsubscribe.

Dr. Myatt's Cardiovascular Risk Factors

A Free Medical White Paper For HealthBeat News Subscribers

01 March 2012 - A Special Edition Of HealthBeat News - For Subscribers Only!

Dr. Myatt's Cardiovascular Risk Factors

A Free Medical White Paper For HealthBeat News Subscribers Only

February was Heart Month. Dr. Myatt wanted to give something to you, her readers to honor Heart Month, and so she began to compile the Cardiovascular Risk Factors that she checks for in to a checklist for you that you could print and take to your doctor at your next visit.

Well, days passed, and then weeks. What began as a quick, simple project turned into a Medical White Paper because Dr. Myatt is such a stickler for deep research and full references.

As the end of February approached I suggested to Dr. Myatt that we'd better get this finished and available to you. She grumbled and complained that it wasn't complete. I agreed, saying that it would never be really complete, and that she would be adding to it forever as she continues to bring you the newest, most cutting edge research and information - that's just how she is.

We reached a compromise - she agreed to let me post this as long as I promised to update it whenever she finds new information. So, here, exclusively for you, our HealthBeat News Subscribers, is:

Dr. Myatt's Cardiovascular Risk Checklist

A Medical White Paper Presented By Dr. Dana Myatt

February is "Heart Month." Here's Your Heart-Risk Checklist.

Shocking Facts about Heart Attacks

February is heart month, and in honor of your heart, I have prepared a special heart-risk assessment and report for you. First, some surprising statistics about heart disease. These "fast facts" will help you know why my heart-risk checklist is so potentially important.

Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in the US. 2,200 people die every day from heart disease.

As many as 50% of all people who have a heart attack do not have ANY classic risk factors, although one study argues that this number is actually only 20%. "Only" a 20% chance of having a heart attack with no known risk factors? I don't know about you, but that still sounds like a big risk to me.

As many as fifty percent (50%) of all first heart attacks are last heart attacks if you get my drift. Half of all people who have a heart attack die from "sudden cardiac death." No second chances. No "jump-starting" the heart with a defibrillator. No bypass surgery or stents. Just gone in a heartbeat.

People with NO conventional risk factors are more likely to die "sudden death" from a first heart attack. Sudden cardiac death is the first and only sign of heart disease in this group.

You could be a non-smoker with a normal body weight, total cholesterol below 200, LDL below 100, HDL above 50. You don't smoke, are not diabetic and have no family history of heart disease. Good for you. You doctor has just given you a clean bill of health and told you your heart is fine. And you could die of a heart attack as you leave the doctor's office. Remember, twenty to fifty percent of all people who have a heart attack do not have ANY conventionally-tested heart risks.

Emerging Risk Factors: The "Other Risks" No One Is Telling You About

Routinely screened conventional risk factors include blood fats (total cholesterol, LDL, HDL), blood pressure, smoking, and diabetes. Additional testing might include a cardiac stress test (the "treadmill test"). Overweight/obesity, family history and activity levels should also be considered.

Unfortunately, 20-50% of people who have heart attacks are "normal" for all of these tests and markers. It's the folks with "all normal" risk factors who have the greatest likelihood of having a fatal heart attack.

Conventional medicine acknowledges that there are a number of other risk factors for heart disease. These are called "emerging risk factors" because the information is still "emerging" or coming to light.

Unfortunately, tests for these "emerging risk factors" are not yet ordered by most conventional physicians nor are they typically covered by insurance. Many of them will be "standard of care" in conventional medicine some day in the future. Will "some day" be soon enough for you or me?

Good News About "Emerging Risk Factors"

The good news is many of the most important of these "other risks" can be tested at an affordable price. They are not obscure tests with thousand-dollar price tags.

The OTHER good news is that there are safe, natural, proven options for correcting abnormalities if and when they are found. After all, what good would it be to know about a risk factor if there was nothing you could do about it?

Download the Full Medical White Paper Here

Nurse Mark Comments:

Please print this Medical White Paper, including the pages of references, so that you can show it to your doctor / cardiologist. When he / she tells you that 1) he has never heard of some of these tests, 2) you don't need them, 3) he's not going to order them for you, and 4) your insurance won't pay for them anyway, please visit Dr. Myatt's Wellness Club where Dr. Myatt will make these tests available to you, and at a very reasonable cost.

Dr. Myatt's Cardiovascular Risk Profile Lab Testing information.



761 S 1st St W, Box 900, Snowflake, AZ 85937, USA

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quinta-feira, 1 de março de 2012

Boletim Informativo de Boa Saúde - Publicação 509

Publicação 509 :: 01 de março de 2012


A epilepsia afeta cerca de 50 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo. Cerca de 75% dos casos têm início ainda na infância. Na imensa maioria das vezes, não é possível determinar uma causa específica para o distúrbio.

:: Leia mais ::

Notícias de Boa Saúde:  

- Ser destro ou canhoto influencia na tomada de decisões

- Cérebros de adolescentes são mais vulneráveis a concussões

- Algumas mulheres sentem-se nuas sem maquiagem

- Yoga pode ser benéfica para bebês

Leia e comente no Blog de Boa Saúde

- O que eu vim fazer aqui mesmo?

- Correr descalço é mais saudável?

- 25 milhões de norte-americanos são afetados por doenças raras

- Seu filho toma suco demais?

Fale Conosco | Quem Somos | Anuncie aqui

Copyright © 1999-2012 Bibliomed, Inc.