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quarta-feira, 28 de julho de 2010
Jornal Saúde 29/7/2010
Why Your Daily Shower Is So Dangerous
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28 July 2010 This Week In HealthBeat News:
Dangers of your Daily Shower: Part I Deadly Daily Showers, Part I: Hot Water By Dr. Dana Myatt What should be a relaxing, cleansing daily health ritual may actually be one of the most dangerous things you do every day. Learn how and why your daily shower is far more dangerous than you know, and how to reclaim your daily [...Read more here]
Are You Really At Risk For Dangerously High Potassium? This is the second time in two days that someone has called me about their "high potassium" (and concerned about the supplements they are taking), so I'm going to answer it publicly in HealthBeat. Other people may wrongly believe their potassium is high and may [...Read more here] Our Favorite Kind Of Reader... Is one who is informed and pro-active. Geoff certainly fills the bill on both counts! As our HealthBeat News readers know, Dr. Myatt likes to welcome them when they subscribe and always asks how we can better serve our readers. We recently received this note from a new [...Read more here]Brown Cows and Engine troubles A pilot had engine trouble and made a forced landing in a field. As he walked around the plane to check out the problem [...Read more here]
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